Stress on Behavior
Jeansok Kim investigates how stress influences behavior. His work has shown that stress likely affects learning and memory by changing electrical activity in a section of the brain called the hippocampus. Research in Kim’s lab
Understanding the Biological Basis of Behavior
John T. Cacioppo’s research looked at the connections between the social and neural mechanisms underlying human behavior. He investigated how societal influences and personal relationships affect cognition and emotions. As a social species, humans have
Moving On and Moving Up in the World
Huffington Post: As the forward-thinking science of positive psychology enters its second decade, the study of well-being is evolving both inside and out. This past July, at the Second World Congress on Positive Psychology in
Gender: A Product of Cultural and Biological Evolution
Wendy Wood, of University of Southern California, and Alice Eagly, of Northwestern University, chairs of the symposium on the cultural and biological evolution of gender, have been turning heads for the last couple years by
Food for Thought
Ask 10 people how a certain food tastes and most likely, you will get 10 different answers. The science of taste is the focus of Linda Bartoshuk’s research, including how individuals vary in their genetic
Anti-epilepsy drug could stave off Alzheimer’s
The Telegraph: Giving the drug levetiracetam to patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a condition known to foreshadow Alzheimer’s, improved their ability to remember. It also reduced overactivity in a part of the brain tasked