Slimmer door sneller brein
Metro Nieuws: Waarom neemt de intelligentie in onze tienerjaren eigenlijk toe? Wetenschappers komen met een antwoord. In de puberteit krijgt niet alleen ons lichaam een radicale make-over, maar verandert ook ons brein. Zo hebben wetenschappers
Maartje C. de Young Dances Her PhD
If you’re a PhD student with mad dancing skills, Science and TEDxBrussels have the contest for you. Dance Your PhD is again offering $1,000 for the best video. These three examples may provide just the
Brain continues learning while asleep, scientists find
The Telegraph: Even after people have gone to bed for the night their brains can carry on processing information according to the study by researchers at Michigan State University in the US. The findings are
Winners of MacArthur Foundation award include 10 people who focus on science
The Washington Post: Nine scientists and a science radio host were among the 22 people who received $500,000 MacArthur “genius” grants last week. Each year the MacArthur Foundation gives the no-strings-attached awards to innovative thinkers
Dyslexia independent of IQ
MIT News: About 5 to 10 percent of American children are diagnosed as dyslexic. Historically, the label has been assigned to kids who are bright, even verbally articulate, but who struggle with reading — in
A Few Strokes of the Past in an Artist Who Lost Her Memory
The New York Times: “Can I draw something for you — what should I draw?” Lonni Sue Johnson asked, but she didn’t wait for an answer. She drew a squiggly line that became a curly