APS Welcomes President Phelps, President-Elect Eisenberg
APS welcomes the 2013-2014 APS Board. Elizabeth A. Phelps is President, Nancy Eisenberg is President-Elect, and Joseph E. Steinmetz is Immediate Past President. A heartfelt thank you to outgoing Immediate Past President Douglas L. Medin
Power Can Literally Go to Your Head
Power, whether in the form of a big promotion or other rewards, may result in some cognitive pitfalls, including diminished empathy.
Teens’ Self-Consciousness Has Biological Basis, Study Says
US News & World Report: Many teens are concerned about what other kids think of them, and this self-consciousness is linked with specific body and brain responses that appear to begin and peak in adolescence
2013 APS Award Address: Elaine F. Walker
Research on the origins of serious mental illness has benefited greatly from advances in developmental neuroscience. With these advances, we now have a clearer picture of the complex interplay between environmental factors and brain development.
Why Teens Are So Self-Conscious
The Huffington Post: It’s not teens’ fault they’re so worried about what others think about them: Their brains just might be that way, according to a small new study. Researchers from Harvard University found that
Orchestras Without a Conductor
A conductor standing with hands at his sides while the orchestra performs a flawless symphony — that’s how the brain works. At least, that was the metaphor offered by Michael S. Gazzaniga of the University of