Why Do We Share Stories, News, and Information With Others?
People often share stories, news, and information with the people around them. We forward online articles to our friends, share stories with our co-workers at the water cooler, and pass along rumors to our neighbors.
Le drapeau national fait-il voter à droite ?
Slate France: Avec la primaire d’Europe Ecologie – Les Verts et celle, dont on parle beaucoup moins,du Parti communiste, le temps des pré-scrutins pour l’élection présidentielle de 2012 est déjà venu. L’an prochain, dans la
Give the impression you want the job — sit up straight
Financial Post: If you show enthusiasm, ask questions, speak authoritatively, it’s all you need to get that job, make the impression in the group, or make a good presentation, say career counsellors and advisors. Yet
The Ties that Bind: Grandparents and their Grandchildren
Close your eyes for a moment, open your treasure trove of memories and take a step back in time to your childhood. Do you remember your grandfather gently scooping you up into his warm and
On 9/11, Americans may not have been as angry as you thought they were
The Financial: On September 11, 2001, the air was sizzling with anger—and the anger got hotter as the hours passed. That, anyway, was one finding of a 2010 analysis by Mitja Back, Albrecht Küfner, and
Muggle Psychology: Connecting With Wizards
I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone aloud to my youngest son, when he was about nine years old. We read every morning on the couch in the family room, while we waited for