How To Teach Children That Failure Is The Secret To Success
NPR: Is failure a positive opportunity to learn and grow, or is it a negative experience that hinders success? How parents answer that question has a big influence on how much children think they can
Albert Bandura Receives National Medal of Science
President Obama presented eminent psychological scientist Albert Bandura with the National Medal of Science in a ceremony held at the White House on May 19, 2016. Awarded annually by a committee of presidential appointees, the
How to Get Kids Into a Growth Mindset
Pacific Standard: Like many other things, we develop our beliefs about intelligence—whether it’s fixed or malleable—from our parents. But really, it’s not our parents’ beliefs about intelligence that matter, according to new research—it’s their beliefs
Seeing the Benefits of Failure Shapes Kids’ Beliefs About Intelligence
Parents’ beliefs about whether failure is a good or a bad thing guide how their children think about their own intelligence, according to new research from Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological
Born to Be Conned
The New York Times: THERE’S an adage you hear most any time you mention con artists: You can’t cheat an honest man. It’s a comforting defense against vulnerability, but is it actually true? No, as
Believing What You Don’t Believe
The New York Times: HOW is it that people can believe something that they know is not true? For example, Kansas City Royals fans, sitting in front of their television sets in Kansas City, surely