Strangers to Ourselves
The study of self-knowledge—how well people know their own attitudes‚ beliefs‚ feelings‚ motives‚ and traits—has had a checkered history in psychology but has become a well-researched topic with important theoretical and practical implications. Researchers have
Very superstitious: Weird rituals help athletes perform better
CNN: In his acclaimed book “The Game,” Hall of Fame NHL goaltender Ken Dryden described some of the various superstitions he picked up over the years, from nodding at a particular Montreal Forum usherette before
God Can Help Companies Turn Customers Into Daredevils
The New York Times: God is often portrayed as a benevolent father figure, or a protective force. But how about a different image of God: the marketing force? New research shows that when consumers are
God Is My Co-Pilot
Slate: When it comes to taming destructive impulses, God may be your best bet. Just ask those who have turned their lives around through Alcoholics Anonymous. AA’s iconic 12 steps are unabashedly spiritual, directing members
Thinking of God Makes People Bolder Risk-Takers
Big Think: When people are reminded of God, they are more ready to engage in risky behavior, but not morally wrongful behavior. Isha Aran from Fusion reports on a recent study published in the journal
What Your Online Comments Say About You
The New York Times: When we comment on news stories, most of us hope to say something about the topic at hand — even (or maybe especially) if it’s that the author got it all wrong.