What We Have and Haven’t Learned
In psychological science, as in other sciences, it is difficult to establish broadly consequential conclusions beyond reasonable dispute. It therefore sometimes seems that we make no progress at all; however, when I look back on
At NASA, Psychological Science Is Rocket Science
Combining behavioral science with engineering expertise, APS Fellow Mary Kaiser has played a crucial part in preparing astronauts and their spacecraft for journeys beyond Earth’s atmosphere.
To Know Thyself, Turn to Science
No matter how well we think we know our own traits, behaviors, and beliefs, experiments show that friends may have insights about us that we lack ourselves, says APS William James Fellow Timothy D. Wilson.
Louder Than Words
From facial cues to physical stances, our nonverbal expressions speak volumes to others. APS Fellows Klaus Scherer and Beatrice de Gelder and other researchers share the latest science on communication in the absence of speech.
The Academic Time-Share
Employment practices at US colleges and universities continue to evolve as administrators step up efforts to recruit full-time, multidepartment faculty. These appointments are distinct from “joint research,” “joint teaching,” or “courtesy” appointments in that multidepartment
Introducing the Kavli HUMAN Project
A massively ambitious new research collaboration may soon become psychological science’s answer to the Human Genome Project. The goal of the Kavli HUMAN Project, a new collaboration between New York University’s (NYU) Institute for the