What You Should Know About the ‘Silent Epidemic of Suicide’
More than 49,000 people in the United States died by suicide in 2022 — that’s one death every 11 minutes, and more than any other year dating to back at least 1941, according to the US Centers for Visit Page
A New Way to Inspire People to Get a COVID Vaccine
Here we go again: respiratory virus season. For the first time this year, though, we have vaccines against our big three threats: flu, RSV and COVID. But vaccines in vials do not equal vaccinations in Visit Page
You’re Not Fully Vaccinated the Day of Your Last Dose
For much of 2020, the world pinned its collective post-pandemic plans on a single, glimmering end point: the arrival of an effective COVID-19 vaccine. The resounding refrain of “when I’m vaccinated” has long conjured images Visit Page
How Do We Get to Mars? (And How Do We Stay Psychologically Healthy in the Process?)
Mars missions are likely to last
30+ months. The Translational
Research Institute for Space Health wants to find and fund disruptive, breakthrough approaches that reduce risks to astronauts’ psychological and behavioral health and performance. Visit Page -
How Psychological Science is Benefiting the World: A Special Issue of Perspectives
Perspectives on Psychological Science highlights the many ways that psychology research is helping to cultivate a healthier, happier, and more sustainable world. Visit Page
We Just ‘Fell Back’ An Hour. Here Are Tips To Stay Healthy During Dark Days Ahead
When it comes to turning back the clocks on our devices, technology has us covered. Our smartphones automatically adjust. But our internal clocks aren’t as easy to re-program. And this means that the time shift Visit Page