He’s Just Not That Into Me: Rejection Influences Women’s Risky Sexual Decision Making
Given the significant consequences involved in women’s choices to have unprotected sex, empirical research designed to understand the in-the-moment factors influencing women’s risky sexual decision-making has become crucial. For the present study, we employed Downey
Hey, Can You Watch My Stuff? A Study of Change Blindness During Real World Interactions
Many people fail to notice if someone is replaced by another during an interaction. Is change blindness reduced when individual identity is more important — e.g., when someone requests that you watch his or her
Do Scare Tactics Work? A Meta-Analytic Test of Fear Appeal Theories
Melanie B. Tannenbaum, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, presents her research “Do Scare Tactics Work? A Meta-Analytic Test of Fear Appeal Theories,” at the 25th APS Annual Convention in Washington, DC. Fear appeals evoke a
Thomas Olino
University of Pittsburgh www.dascpitt.org/content/olino-thomas-phd What does your research focus on? My primary line of research examines the role of appetitive motivation in the development of unipolar mood disorders using multiple types of methodologies, including, self-reports
Mary C. Murphy
The Mind and Identity in Context Lab at Indiana University www.mindandidentityincontext.com What does your research focus on? My research focuses on the science of diversity. My students and I develop and test theories about how
Andres De Los Reyes
University of Maryland College Park https://sites.google.com/site/caipumaryland/Home/people/director What does your research focus on? When assessing patients for mental health concerns, clinicians and researchers often have to take information from multiple sources or informants to make health