Turning a New Year’s Resolution Into Action With the Facts
The New York Times: DESPITE the best intentions for the new year, the reality is that by next month, gym memberships will lapse, chocolate will replace carrots and Candy Crush will edge out Moby Dick.
Contributions of Psychology to Psychiatry
In prior presidential columns published in the Observer, authors have discussed the role of psychology in relation to various disciplines in science (in terms of measures or cocitations; Cacioppo, September 2007) and the relation of
Probing Emotional Mysteries
What does every good emotion detective need? That’s the question APS Past President Robert W. Levenson posed during his Award Address as a 2014 APS William James Fellow. “Emotion is all around us, but it’s
How to Break Your Bad Work Habits
The Wall Street Journal: Two years after becoming vice president of innovation at VF Corp. , an apparel company based in Greensboro, N.C., Soon Yu was approached by one of his bosses, who quietly suggested that he
Risky Drivers More Likely to Ignore Road Rules Even as Pedestrians
We’ve all seen it before — distracted pedestrians who dart across the street without thinking and drivers who speed through intersections and stoplights as if they owned the road. Depending on how you typically get
Perspectives Launches ‘Forward Thinking’ Section
Research, in the early stages, is a generative process; results can be conflicting, messy, and difficult to interpret, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t thought provoking and worthy of being shared. The editors of Perspectives