My Bad! Why We Feel Guilt in the First Place
Guilt plays a vital role in the regulation of social behavior. That worried feeling in our gut often serves as the impetus for our stab at redemption. However, psychologists have trouble agreeing on the function
Man’s Best Friend Lends Insight into Human Evolution
Flexibly drawing inferences about the intentions of other individuals in order to cooperate in complex tasks is a basic part of everyday life that we humans take for granted. But, according to evolutionary psychologist Brian
Behavioral Research at NIA
From its inception in 1974, the National Institute on Aging (NIA) has made behavioral and social research an integral part of the Institute’s effort to understand and improve the second half of life. The importance
Andrew Salter (1914-1996) Founding Behavior Therapist
Andrew Salter, who for almost six decades conducted a successful private practice in Manhattan, New York, died from cancer on October 7, 1996, at the age of 82. Born in Waterbury, Connecticut, on May 9
Sex Differences in Brain and Behavior On the Interaction of Structure, Hormones, and Social Influences
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, FEBRUARY 10—By middle age, men are losing frontal lobe brain tissue almost three times as fast as women of the same age. Trying to compensate for the loss, men tend to overdrive their
Changing the Mind (and Behavior) of NIH