Tackling the Force of Habit
How much of our behavior is habitual? APS President Wendy Wood and her colleagues answered this question on April 16 during “Habits and Behavior Change—A Case Study of Digital Technology,” an APS Science for Society webinar. The webinar is now available for registrants and APS members. Visit Page
What we learned from teaching a course on the science of happiness
When you deliver a university course that makes students happier, everybody wants to know what the secret is. What are your tips? What are your top ten recommendations? These are the most asked questions, as Visit Page
Finding It Tough to Motivate Yourself? These Strategies Can Help.
Many people think that motivation is the key to changing habits — and that you either have it or you don’t. But motivation is not a psychological trait or personality characteristic. It’s something you can Visit Page
Yes, Messy People Can Learn to Be Tidier. Here’s How.
It may seem like some people are natural born neatniks and others are hardwired to create clutter. But experts say that’s just not true. Far from innate, these tendencies are largely acquired over time. “We Visit Page
A New Way to Inspire People to Get a COVID Vaccine
Here we go again: respiratory virus season. For the first time this year, though, we have vaccines against our big three threats: flu, RSV and COVID. But vaccines in vials do not equal vaccinations in Visit Page
The New Science on Making Healthy Habits Stick
Any healthy choice seems doable for a day. Building consistent good habits around exercise, sleep and nutrition in the long term is harder. Recent research is uncovering how long it takes to cement different kinds of habits—and gives Visit Page