Online Resources to Support Research on Behavior and Health
Psychological scientists study the critical links between behavior and health. Some of the leading causes of premature death—including smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, and inactivity and poor diet—are tied closely to behavioral and social factors.
Teens Drive More Safely in the Months After a Crash
Research involving actual driving data from over 250 teens suggests that involvement in a severe crash may prompt adolescents to engage in safer driving behavior.
Grants Announced for Child Care, Head Start, Family Strengthening, and Behavioral Intervention
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is excited to announce that the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) has forecasted their intent to fund Child Care, Head Start, Family Strengthening, and Behavioral Interventions
Here, There, Everywhere
Psychological scientists have built thriving research careers outside the traditional boundaries of university psychology and behavioral science departments, including dentistry, optometry, engineering, music, fashion, and even physics.
Changing Habits for the Long Haul
Psychology researchers present cutting-edge science that may help us adopt newer, healthier, or safer behaviors.
Breaking Free From Bad Behaviors
Many people try their best to eat healthy and exercise regularly. Others strive to be good environmental stewards, cutting down their usage of electricity and water. And still others intend to treat everyone fairly, regardless