Frauen: Aggressiver durchs Stillen
Yahoo Deutschland: Sie absolvierten mit 54 Frauen einen Aggressionstest. Von den Teilnehmerinnen waren 19 kinderlose Frauen, 18 stillende Mütter und 17 Frauen, die ihren Kindern Muttermilchersatz gaben. Bei dem Test sollten sie ein Reaktionsduell an
Hearing Bilingual: How Babies Sort Out Language
The New York Times: Once, experts feared that young children exposed to more than one language would suffer “language confusion,” which might delay their speech development. Today, parents often are urged to capitalize on that
What Do Infants Remember When They Forget?
Six-month-old babies are severely limited in what they can remember about the objects they see in the world; if you hide several objects from an infant, they will only remember one of those objects with
Mehr Sprache, mehr Gehirn
Berliner Morgenpost: Der im Jahr 1960 in Brügge geborene Belgier lernte in der Grundschule Französisch. Im Gymnasium kamen Deutsch und Englisch, später Griechisch und Latein hinzu. Im Alter von 13 Jahren reiste Vandewalle mit seiner
Who’s the daddy? Men also suffer from ‘baby fever’, the desperate desire to be a parent
Daily Mail: A new study has revealed that men – as well as women – suffer from ‘baby fever’, the overwhelming desire to have children. The emotional and physical phenomenon is usually associated with women
Baby Blur: Infants’ Eyes Take Longer to Process Movement
LiveScience: Rapidly changing images may look like a blur to infants, according to a new study. Although babies can see the movement, they may not be able to identify the individual elements within a moving