Can You Find Awe in Christmas Cookies?
… I’m not sure it’ll be enough to elicit wonder, but it’s worth trying. According to Michelle Shiota, a psychology professor at Arizona State University who has researched the impact of awe, “You got to push Visit Page
Want to Raise Kind, Generous Kids? Take Them to an Art Museum
Entrepreneur parents work long hours building their companies to provide materially for their families and make sure they can offer their kids the best start in life. But most would probably agree that the monetary side Visit Page
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on visual short-term memory, the development of spatial cognition and its malleability, how heart rate predicts the performance of elite athletes, and much more. Visit Page
Want More Generous Children? Show Them Awe-inspiring Art
Research is the first to demonstrate that awe-eliciting art can spark prosociality in children as young as 8 years old, motivating them to set aside their own concerns to focus on others. Awe also has physical benefits for children. Visit Page
I Didn’t Think Birding Was for Me. Now It’s My Favorite Self-Care Hobby.
… That’s a big part of what I like so much about birding: It’s a way to pay attention. Practicing mindfulness and being present in the moment can be rather difficult, and doing it when you’re out Visit Page
How a Bit of Awe Can Improve Your Health
Awe can mean many things. It can be witnessing a total solar eclipse. Or seeing your child take her first steps. Or hearing Lizzo perform live. But, while many of us know it when we Visit Page