Adults with Autism Make More Consistent Choices
People with autism spectrum conditions are often less sensitive to contextual information in perceptual tasks, but this may lead to more consistent choices in high-level decision-making tasks.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring: distress, worry, and responses to the Ebola crisis; anxiety-linked attentional bias and mitigation of threat; and neural underpinnings of repetitive negative thinking in autism spectrum disorders.
Across the Spectrum
Geneticist Thomas Bourgeron details the various methods — including genetic analyses, brain imaging, mouse models, and even stem-cell applications — that he and his colleagues are using to identify the biological pathways that contribute to diversity in autism spectrum disorders.
Bourgeron to Share Groundbreaking Autism Research at ICPS
One of the most significant examples of integrative science will be spotlighted at the 2017 International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), to be held March 23–25 in Vienna, Austria. Thomas Bourgeron, the Paris-based geneticist who is
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring memory recall as an emotion regulation strategy for depression, the impact of alcohol on couples’ interactions, and cognitive profiling of autism spectrum disorder and ADHD.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring the balance between focus and breadth determined during perceptual processing and Bayesian models of perceptual differences in individuals with autism.