Excuse Me While I Kiss This Guy
The New Yorker: My sister has a rare talent for mishearing lyrics. When we were younger, song meanings would often morph into something quite different from their original intent. In one Wallflowers hit, for instance
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Body Movement Selectively Shapes the Neural Representation of Musical Rhythms Baptiste Chemin, André Mouraux, and Sylvie Nozaradan Although movement is thought to shape the processing of sensory
How To Convey Power With Your Voice
Forbes: Before Margaret Thatcher became prime minister of the United Kingdom, she went through extensive voice coaching designed to make her sound more powerful. The coaching did three things to her voice: It raised the
The Sound of Status: People Know High-Power Voices When They Hear Them
Being in a position of power can fundamentally change the way you speak, altering basic acoustic properties of the voice, and other people are able to pick up on these vocal cues to know who
How Trustworthy Is The Voice of Your GPS?
One goal of the voice-based GPS directions is to ensure that drivers are able to keep their eyes and attention on the road while navigating. But how do people respond when the navigation instructions come
Why Names Are So Easy to Forget
The Atlantic: Once, at a party, I was introduced to a friend of a friend. We shook hands, I told her my name, she told me hers. Then she did something that I was ever