How Taking Photos Affects Your Memory of the Moment Later On
New York Magazine: Recently I transferred a stash of photos from my iPad to my computer. As the hundred-some photos flashed by on the screen, I found myself reliving the full panoply of emotions from
How Our Ears Inform Our Eyes
Eyewitness identification is an important part of criminal investigations, especially in circumstances where physical evidence is lacking.
Taking Photos of Experiences Boosts Visual Memory, Impairs Auditory Memory
Choosing to take photos may focus our attention, helping us remember the visual details of our experiences but impairing memory for the auditory details.
Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science
Featured Articles: “Understanding Mind From Matter: What Does Prehistoric Farming Say About Your Prefrontal Cortex?” and “To Err Is Human: The Psychological Science of Voting Mistakes”
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring nonsuicidal self-injury and mood, atypical neural oscillatory activity in dyslexia, and ADHD-related working memory deficits.
Words Can Sound “Round” or “Sharp” Without Us Realizing It
Our tendency to match specific sounds with specific shapes, even abstract shapes, is so fundamental that it guides perception before we are consciously aware of it.