APS Lab Profiles: Meet the Scientists!
George Mason University Arch Laboratory Fairfax, Virginia, USA Bridging theory, experimentation, and application in the cognitive sciences. Raja Parasuraman Carryl Baldwin Deborah Boehm-Davis Matt Peterson Tyler Shaw Jim Thompson Robert Youmans Meet the Scientists: Raja
Nature Has A Good Beat, But Can You Dance To It?
NPR: Rhythm in music is about timing — when notes start and stop. And now scientists say they’ve found a curious pattern that’s common to musical rhythm. It’s a pattern also found in nature. Let’s
Research shows sounds can influence how people taste food
Public Radio International: Oxford University psychologist Charles Spence studies human senses and how they interact. In recent studies, he had people smell wines and sample chocolate, and then match the different aromas and flavors to
Behind the Music: Human Factors Rap
The Arch Laboratory at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, USA is the main research and training facility of the graduate program in Human Factors and Applied Cognition. Arch Lab members conduct research in attention
Matthias R. Mehl
University of Arizona, USA http://dingo.sbs.arizona.edu/~mehl/ What does your research focus on? I am interested in the psychological implications of people’s everyday social lives. What do people do in their daily lives? And why do they
Sound and vision work hand in hand
Yahoo! India: A new study has revealed that our senses of sight and hearing work closely together, perhaps more than people realize. In the study of how one sense can affect another, Ladan Shams, aUCLA