Being a Good Leader Makes You More Attractive
Harvard Business Review: Pretty people do better. Whether interviewing for a new job, applying for a promotion, or, in the world of politics, seeking voters’ support, people with good looks tend to reap more rewards. It
Remembering Donn Byrne
Kabir (1440–1518), the Indian mystic, asked, “Given both Guru [teacher] and Govind [God] standing in front of you, whom should you bow to first?” Kabir counselled, “All the glory should go to your Guru for
Why Dogs Look Like Their Owners
Fast Company: If you spend enough time strolling along sidewalks or into public parks, eventually you’ll see a dog that bears an eerie resemblance to its owner. The experience is common enough for art to
How attractive is Barack Obama? That depends on your party affiliation.
The Washington Post: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder — particularly when that beholder is into politics. Partisanship can be so powerful that it influences how attractive people find politicians, according to a study published Wednesday in
Is Kindness Physically Attractive?
Scientific American: One of the most robust findings in social psychology is the beauty-is-good stereotype:physically attractive people are perceived and treated more positively than physically unattractive people [1]. But here’s the thing: I have definitely met attractive people who went from
Can’t Take My Eyes off You—Your Face, That Is
Scientific American: When it comes to first impressions of a potential new love, the eyes may indeed be the window to the soul—because the direction of your gaze when looking at this person offers an