Tylenol May Blunt Emotions, and Not Just Pain
The New York Times: Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is a popular pain reliever, but it may also blunt emotions, both positive and negative, a new study shows. In a randomized, controlled trial, 85 people took 1,000 milligrams Visit Page
Tylenol Might Dull Emotional Pain, Too
NPR: A common pain medication might make you go from “so cute!” to “so what?” when you look at a photo of a kitten. And it might make you less sensitive to horrifying things, too. Visit Page
Painkillers Might Also Dull Your Emotions
Smithsonian Magazine: Headaches, cramps and other painful twinges in your body can be relieved by popping an over-the-counter painkiller, but the aches of the soul are harder to treat. Yet studies show that the acetaminophen (sold Visit Page
Acetaminophen May Reduce Both Pain and Pleasure
The commonly used pain reliever acetaminophen may have a previously unknown side effect: Blunting positive emotions. Visit Page
A Word of Caution About Comparing Different Populations
The lead article in the January 2015 Observer, “Talkin’ About Your Generation,” is about purported generational differences in attitudes, values, and self-perception that were found in several large-scale studies. The studies’ results were noted to Visit Page
Attitudes About Who Brings Home the Bacon Lag Behind Economic Reality
A team of psychological scientists hypothesized that people’s deep-rooted beliefs about gender roles may be slower to change than the major behavioral shifts evidenced within society and the workforce. Visit Page