New Research from Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring sounds and symbolism, object-based attention, and reward exploration.
Stanford psychology expert: This is the No. 1 work skill of the future—but most fail to realize it
You pick up your phone to look at the news notification and answer your text, only to check a Facebook post and then watch a Youtube video. Suddenly, before you know it, an hour has passed, and you haven’t
How to Tune Out Office Distractions
Multiple mechanisms contribute to our ability to tune out distractions in the workplace.
Cattell Fund Projects Explore Music, Mental Imagery, and Visual Meaning
APS Fellow Brad Wyble of Pennsylvania State University, Andrea Halpern of Bucknell University, and Clayton Curtis of New York University are recipients of fellowships that allow them to extend sabbatical periods for research.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring mechanisms underlying attention-bias modification, effects of recall and memory disjointedness on trauma symptoms, and eating disorder pathology among those with food insecurity.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring brain networks involved in sustained attention and individual differences in music reward.