“I’m Bored!” – Research on Attention Sheds Light on the Unengaged Mind
Psychological scientists are testing new strategies to address the cognitive errors that are often associated with boredom.
Improving Willpower: How to Keep Self-Control from Flagging
TIME: Why does willpower often seem to fail us, just when we need it most? Some researchers argue that willpower is a limited resource that wears out, like a muscle exhausted by overuse. Other experts
Mindless tasks boost creative potential
The Globe and Mail: “Do you have a numbingly dull job, one so monotonous that you frequently find your mind wandering?” asks Pacific Standard magazine. “Well, congratulations: Without realizing it, you have boosted your creative
The Creativity of the Wandering Mind
Pacific Standard: Do you have a numbingly dull job, one so monotonous that you frequently find your mind wandering? Well, congratulations: without realizing it, you have boosted your creative potential. Mindless tasks that allow our
Self-Control May Not Be a Limited Resource After All
So many acts in our daily lives – refusing that second slice of cake, walking past the store with the latest gadgets, working on your tax forms when you’d rather watch TV – seem to
Gerichte doelstelling doet tijd sneller gaan (With an objective, time goes faster)
Express Belgium: Aangename activiteiten doen de tijd sneller te lijken gaan, maar vooral de uiteindelijke doelstelling heeft daarin een cruciale functie. Dat is de conclusie van een onderzoek van wetenschappers aan de University of Alabama.