Mindfulness May Improve Test Scores
Scientific American: There’s a meditation practice called “mindfulness” that is about actively focusing on the present moment and increasing one’s attention span. Recently scientists analyzed whether such a practice could help improve undergrads’ test scores
Mindfulness Training Boosts Test Scores
Pacific Standard: Studies reporting the benefits of mindfulness training keep rolling in—not quite with the regularity of those distracting thoughts that keep popping up in your head, but at a good clip nonetheless. The latest
Aprajita Mohanty
Stony Brook University www.psychology.stonybrook.edu/amohanty-/ What does your research focus on? My research focuses on how we utilize emotional information to guide our attention and perception, and how we use cognitive strategies to remain goal-focused in
Nicholas Turk-Browne
Princeton University www.princeton.edu/ntblab What does your research focus on? The research in my lab seeks to understand key components of cognition, such as perception and memory. These components are often studied in isolation, with a
Chad E. Forbes
University of Delaware https://sites.google.com/site/chadeforbes/ What does your research focus on? As a social neuroscientist, my research utilizes cognitive neuroscience methodologies such as electroencephalography (EEG), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and traumatic brain injury (TBI) studies
Brief Mindfulness Training May Boost Test Scores, Working Memory
College students who underwent mindfulness training showed improved working memory and verbal reasoning scores.