Adverts on the road could be a distraction for drivers
The Conversation: People have to take in a lot of information when driving, including the locations of other road users, lane markings, signals, speed limits, directions and the dashboard display. It only takes a second
The Power of Two: Why Sharing Is Better
My wife and I watch a lot of movies at home. It’s one of our favorite pastimes. I also watch a fair number of movies by myself, if my wife is out of town or
The Common Cold Makes You a Lousy Driver
New York Magazine: We get that drinking and driving is bad news, and researchers who study this stuff are now getting the message across that drowsy driving and distracted driving are no good either. But
One of science’s most baffling questions? Why we yawn
BBC: Mid-conversation with Robert Provine, I have a compelling urge, rising from deep inside my body. The more I try to quash it, the more it seems to spread, until it consumes my whole being.
Hit the Reset Button in Your Brain
The New York Times: This month, many Americans will take time off from work to go on vacation, catch up on household projects and simply be with family and friends. And many of us will feel
The Common Cold May Be a Traffic Hazard
Fatigue is quickly becoming recognized as one of the most dangerous driving impairments. But that drowsiness is not just the product of sleep deprivation or over-exertion. Sluggishness resulting from the common cold can also hamper