Not All Mind Wandering Is Created Equal
Mind wandering—sometimes seen as daydreaming or “zoning out”—has been shown to facilitate creative thinking and problem solving, but in the wrong context it can become distracting or even dangerous. Inattentive students can get behind in
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: I Think, Therefore Eyeblink: The Importance of Contingency Awareness in Conditioning Gabrielle Weidemann, Michelle Satkunarajah, and Peter F. Lovibond Associative learning in humans is thought to be
The Art of Ignoring Things
The Atlantic: Let’s begin with a little experiment: Whatever you do, as you’re reading this short article, don’t think about polar bears. This is, you may have recognized, a classic thought exercise from the writer
The incredible power of ignoring everything
The Washington Post: Fyodor Dostoevsky, the 19th Century Russian author, once famously challenged his brother to try out a strange task: Don’t think about a polar bear right now. “Try to pose for yourself this task
Mastering the Art of Ignoring Makes People More Efficient
People searching for something can find it faster if they know what to look for. But new research suggests knowing what not to look for can be just as helpful. Although previous studies concluded that
Texting While Walking Isn’t Funny Anymore
The Wall Street Journal: Manny Fiori’s job is to make sure your phone doesn’t kill you. He guards the entrance to a garage near my San Francisco office and stops cars from hitting pedestrians so