Children Notice Information That Adults Miss
Adults are good at remembering information they are told to focus on, while young children tend to pay attention to all the information presented, even when they were told to focus on one particular item.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring parallel processing in a language task, the neural basis of independence versus interdependence orientations, age differences in risky decision making, and switch costs in visual attention.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring the neural representation of interpretive frameworks, motor planning for joint action, and the influence of attention on spatial resolution.
Psychonomic Society Call for Nominations for 2017 Early Career Award
The Psychonomic Society Early Career Award annually honors the distinguished research accomplishments of our early career members and fellows. Each year, up to four awardees will be named. One nominee, whose research is closest to
The Best Music for Productivity? Silence
The Atlantic: Like most modern “knowledge” workers, I spend my days in an open office. That means I also spend my days amid ringing phones, the inquisitive tones of co-workers conducting interviews, and—because we work
Our growing fascination with boredom
University Affairs: A funny thing happened to Julian Haladyn while researching boredom and art. He got excited. The dull subject was conceptual artist On Kawara’s Today paintings, a series of hundreds of rectangular, solid-coloured canvases