New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring how trait anxiety relates to attention, how choosing different career paths may shape personality development, and how attentional selection contributes to risky decision making.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research articles exploring new insights into cognitive behavior therapies and cognitive processes associated with rumination and depression.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring contingent attentional engagement, cooperation in chimpanzees, and the role of eye gaze in decision making.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring: pain and opioid misuse in children; meta-awareness of emotional attention; complicated grief and posstraumatic growth; intolerance of uncertainty and aggression; and central sensitization.
Familiar Voices Are Easier to Understand, Even If We Don’t Recognize Them
Familiar voices are easier to understand and this advantage holds even if we don’t actually recognize a familiar voice, researchers find.
Does Concentration Blunt Our Sense of Smell?
Inattentional blindness plays out when, absent any vision problems, individuals are so focused on a visual aspect of a scene that they fail to notice some other, highly visible feature.