Hacking the APS Convention
Hackathons started in the tech industry, but scientists are working to modify them into open-science collaborations that would be right at home at APS Annual Conventions. Visit Page
Making Thinking Visible
APS President Barbara Tversky welcomes researchers and experts in the arts to show how our creative pursuits help us forge connections between our internal and external worlds. Visit Page
Pulling Together
Simple comparative experiments reveal how shared intentionality and social coordination set humans apart from other primates, says APS Fellow Michael Tomasello. Visit Page
Renewing the New Normal
APS Fellow Betsy Levy Paluck demonstrates how the influential power of social norms can be channeled toward the greater good. Visit Page
Capital Science in the Nation’s Capital
Photo highlights from 4 days of nonstop science in Washington, DC — from hacking best research practices to investigating the impacts of diversity in the workplace. Visit Page
Naked Truths, Champions, and More
Students at every career stage took advantage of opportunities to chat with the “champs,” learn grad-school survival skills, network with peers, and more. Visit Page