A Stay at Camp Cope-a-Lot for Anxious Kids
It’s easy to assume anxious kids are just going through a phase and will naturally “come out of their shells” or learn to cope over time. Evidence suggests otherwise, says APS Fellow Philip C. Kendall Visit Page
The Roots of Stress
You probably don’t need statistics to appreciate the pervasive role of stress in American life, but the numbers are there if you do. A recent Stress in America survey found that a quarter of adults Visit Page
Extreme Memory
On the stage, memory researcher Henry L. Roediger, III, spoke random digits at a rate of one every 2 seconds. A few feet to his left, memory athlete Nelson Dellis sat in a chair absorbing Visit Page
Both Ends of the Developmental Continuum
Most people carry two copies of chromosome 21, but people with Down syndrome carry three copies. This chromosome is the location of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), which produces the beta-amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer’s Visit Page
From Principles of Cognitive Science to MOOCs
For more on MOOCs, see video of this symposium and coverage of the earlier Estes Symposium on MOOCs held at the annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society in November 2013. “There is no reason anyone Visit Page
A Year of Reproducibility Initiatives: The Replication Revolution Forges Ahead
Adhering faithfully to the scientific method is at the very heart of psychological inquiry. It requires scientists to be passionately dispassionate, to be intensely interested in scientific questions but not wedded to the answers. It Visit Page