Q & A With Psychological Scientist Barry Schwartz
Barry Schwartz is the Dorwin Cartwright Professor of Social Theory and Social Action at Swarthmore College. His research investigates the decision-making processes that underlie our choices and examines how our choices make us feel. We
Searching for the Source of Consciousness
Watching a movie, smelling the roses, feeling the warmth of the sun—these are seemingly simple things we experience all thanks to consciousness. Yet where exactly does consciousness come from? The brain—obviously—but for psychological scientist Geraint
APS Fellow Helps Make Life With Autism a Little Easier
When she was a graduate student in the late 1970s, APS Fellow Geraldine Dawson worked with a family that changed her life. They had an autistic child and “I was just captured by the experience
Adapting Counseling Strategies for Native Communities
Evidence-based psychotherapy should work the same for everyone, right? Wrong. In his research, Joseph P. Gone of the University of Michigan points out that the latest treatments developed by psychological scientists can’t be applied to
Student Notebook Announcements
Travel Assistance! Need help going to the APS 24th Annual Convention in Chicago? Become a volunteer to defray the cost of travel! We are looking for friendly, outgoing, and enthusiastic people to assist APS staff.
Evoking Emotion in the Lab
At the 24th APS Annual Convention, Iris Mauss will host a workshop called Studying Emotions in the Laboratory. Mauss is an assistant professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. Her own emotion research