New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on an intervention for trauma recovery for refugees, attention regulation in schizophrenia, social anxiety disorder and childhood maltreatment, smoking and psychopathology, substance use and sexual-minority status, food expectations and fast-food intake, repetitive negative thinking and affect and depressive symptoms, polytraumatization and psychopathology, and suicide ideation.
Why This Stage of the Pandemic Makes Us So Anxious
With the threat from the delta variant bearing down across the United States, it’s almost hard to remember the heady days earlier this summer when many of us were experiencing relief, joy, even euphoria as
Stage Fright
The pressure. The expectations. The anxiety. If there’s one thing that connects the athletes gathering for the Olympic games with the rest of us, it’s the stress that can come from performing in front of
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on suicidal ideation, phone communications and teenagers’ mental-health, involuntary memories in PTSD, atypical abilities in autism spectrum disorder, binge eating, goal pursuit and stress, barriers to effective smoking interventions.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on food-related behavior, worry and rumination, combat situations and antisocial predisposition, nonsuicidal self-injury, nonverbal synchrony and psychotherapy alliance, choice strategies and anxiety, doubt and obsessive compulsive symptoms, and emotional experiences in major depressive disorder.
Research Briefs
Recent research highlights from APS journals, including work on extremism, caregiver mental health, and a typology for unpublished studies.