Wie man aus Fehlern lernt (How to learn from mistakes)
ORF Austria: “Self-Affirmation” heißt eine Theorie, die der US-amerikanische Psychologe Claude Mason Steele in den 80er Jahren vorgestellt hat. Sie geht davon aus, dass Menschen die Integrität ihres Selbstwerts aufrechterhalten, obwohl dieser von widrigen Einflüssen
Inside the Minds of the Perfectionists
The Wall Street Journal: Christine Tsien Silvers says perfectionism runs in her family. Her mother, a detail-oriented computer scientist, emigrated from China to Minnesota and was “always taking classes to get a better job.” She
When Tragedy Strikes, Come Together
The New York Times: Last week, as I was preparing a different column, I learned through e-mails about a tragedy very close to home — two children were murdered by their caretaker in the Manhattan
Is it actually less stressful to be in charge?
The Washington Post: Think your job is more stressful than your employees’? Think again. A new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and featured on the news service HealthDay
Self-Affirmation Enhances Performance, Makes Us Receptive to Our Mistakes
Life is about failure as much as it is about success. From the mistakes we make at work or school to our blunders in romantic relationships, we are constantly reminded of how we could be
Phobia about holes is not officially recognized, but U.K. scientists look into it
The Washington Post: During an introductory psychology course at Britain’s University of Essex in 2009, Arnold Wilkins asked his class to participate in a quick experiment. Wilkins projected two images on a wall and asked