Science Shows How Students Can Stop Sweating Statistics
A pair of psychological scientists review the state of research on statistics anxiety and outline several ways for instructors to help reduce students’ worries.
Anxiety? There’s an App for That
Pacific Standard: The future of anxiety treatment may not be pills or therapy sessions, but games on your phone. Two researchers, one at the City University of New York’s Hunter College and the other at
Reducing Anxiety With a Smartphone App
Playing a science-based mobile gaming app for 25 minutes can reduce anxiety in stressed individuals, according to research published in Clinical Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The study suggests that
Mental Health on the Go
The Huffington Post: Journalist Scott Stossel was so anxious at his own wedding that he had to hold on to his new bride in order to steady himself at the altar. His clothes were by
Warum Jamaika nicht beim Bobfahren gewinnt (Why not win at Jamaica Bobsledding)
Suddeutsche Zeitung: Vermutlich werden Winston Watt und Marvin Dixon, das Zweier-Bob-Team aus Jamaika, auch bei den diesjährigen Olympischen Winterspielen in Sotschi keine Medaille gewinnen. Über die Gründe lässt sich viel spekulieren, doch eine Ursache ist
Mental Health On The Go
Journalist Scott Stossel was so anxious at his own wedding that he had to hold on to his new bride in order to steady himself at the altar. His clothes were by then soaked through