New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring mechanisms underlying attention-bias modification, effects of recall and memory disjointedness on trauma symptoms, and eating disorder pathology among those with food insecurity.
Hardship During the Great Recession Linked With Lasting Mental Health Declines
People who suffered a financial, housing-related, or job-related hardship as a result of the Great Recession were more likely to show increases in symptoms of depression, anxiety, and problematic drug use several years after the official end of the recession.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring memory and stress-induced cannabis craving, predicting suicidal thoughts and nonfatal attempts, the influence of stress on depression and substance use among same-sex couples, and heterogeneity of the anxiety-related attention bias.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring the effects of worry in daily life, the role of learning capacity in CBT for depression, and self-injury and suicidal behavior in girls.
Psychologist Finds 2 Easy Strategies to Beat the Stress of Waiting for News
The anxiety of waiting can be brutal. Whether you’re waiting on GRE scores, job application news, health test results, or any other weighty piece of life information, some strategies for coping are more effective than
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring depression and autobiographical memory, early response and sudden gains in a depression intervention, inflammatory proteins as predictors of change in depressive symptoms, and emotion displays and relationship formation in anxiety disorder.