Humans Are Dumb At Figuring Out How Smart Animals Are
If an animal is smart enough, should we treat it like a human? An abstract question, but one that found its way into a courtroom recently. A case bidding for consideration by the New York
Study: Mental conditioning with cute animal pictures can rekindle your relationship
James K. McNulty of Florida State University and his team of psychological scientists were not expecting this. They’d wondered if they could use conditioning to warm the hearts of married couples gone a little cold
Harvard’s Dr Irene Pepperberg on ‘talking’ whales
Dr Irene Pepperberg, comparative psychologist at Harvard University, discusses talking animals.
Laurie Santos on What Makes the Human Mind So Special
Psychological scientist Laurie R. Santos of Yale University says that her cognitive experiments with monkeys and dogs suggests that humans’ unique ability to understand others’ mental states can, in many cases, actually cause us to confuse that thinking with our own. See her complete presentation at the 29th APS Annual Convention in Boston.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring thinking fast and risk-related framing effects, the relationship between pronounceability and risk, and numerical cognition in wild baboons.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring the role of meaning in semantic priming, the two-body inversion effect, and abstract-concept learning in several animal species.