Studies Show Cat People Are Smarter Than Dog People
Time: Have you ever suspected that people who hang out with slinky, clever, moody cats are actually smarter than everyone with a goofy, friendly-to-everyone dog? Your hunch was likely correct, according to a new study carried
Dog People vs. Cat People: Who’s More Outgoing? More Intelligent?
LiveScience: “Dog people” and “cat people” really do have different personalities, according to a new study. People who said they were dog lovers in the study tended to be more lively — meaning they were
From Our Pets to Our Plates: The Psychology of Eating Animals
We love animals, caring for some as if they were members of our families, and yet we eat animals, too. In fact, we eat a lot of meat — data show that the average person
Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science
Aimed at integrating cutting-edge psychological science into the classroom, Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science offers advice and how-to guidance about teaching a particular area of research or topic in psychological science that has been
The Meat Paradox: How Carnivores Think About Dinner
Temple Grandin is widely known as an advocate for animal welfare. She is also a slaughterhouse designer and meat eater. She has spent much of her professional life promoting humane practices for livestock farms and
Magical Thinking in Decision Making About Companion Animals
We extended contagion, a form of magical thinking, to animate objects. Dogs with identical information were liked less and deemed less adoptable when this information included contact with an undesirable previous owner. The effect seemed