Study questions if pets make owners healthier
The Vancouver Sun: Pet owners have long been encouraged to think that they are happier, healthier and live longer than people without pets, but a new US study claims they might be barking up the
Will Pets Give You Good Health and Longevity?
Yahoo Taiwan: (法新社華盛頓3日電) 長期以來,寵物飼主被洗腦認為,比起沒養寵物者,自己更快樂、健康又長壽,但美國最新研究指出,這些飼主可能只是「自我感覺良好」。 西卡羅來納大學(Western Carolina University)心理學教授赫佐格 (Howard Herzog)表示,過去針對飼養寵物能否促進健康和長壽的研究,卻發現「夾雜衝突性結果」。 赫佐格在8月號「心理科學最新指南」(Current Directions in Psychological Science)中指出:「無庸置疑,飼養寵物對部分民眾有益,但『養寵物的人比沒養寵物者還健康、快樂或更長壽』的論述,缺乏充足佐證。」 阅读更多/Read more: Yahoo Taiwan
Are Pet Owners Healthier and Happier? Maybe Not…
The general claim that living with a pet makes for a happier, healthier or longer life has weak scientific backing, a psychological researcher reports.
What Should They Be Called?
“They” refers to the animals – human and infrahuman – in our experiments. It used to be simple: they were subjects, or in certain types of perceptual experiments, observers. In the older literature much was
The Joy of a Sun Bath, a Snuggle, a Bite of Pâté
The New York Times: Two ring-tailed lemurs, perhaps a pair, perhaps just two guys out to catch a few rays, sit side by side tilted back as if in beach chairs, their white bellies exposed
Neurosciences : les poussins préfèrent les sons harmonieux
Yahoo France: Publiés dans la revue Psychological Science, les résultats d’une étude italienne suggèrent que, de façon innée, les poussins préfèrent une musique aux sons consonants à une autre, aux sons dissonants. Les scientifiques savaient