Cognitive Shields
Some brains stay strong despite showing all the biological signs of dementia. Psychological science is identifying specific lifestyle defenses against cognitive decline. Visit Page
Complex jobs ‘may protect memory’
BBC: A study of more than 1,000 Scottish 70-year-olds found that those who had had complex jobs scored better on memory and thinking tests. One theory is a more stimulating environment helps build up a “cognitive Visit Page
Both Ends of the Developmental Continuum
Most people carry two copies of chromosome 21, but people with Down syndrome carry three copies. This chromosome is the location of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), which produces the beta-amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer’s Visit Page
Living on Purpose
The New York Times: My late father had a longtime friend, a retired kosher butcher, who lived down the hall in their South Jersey apartment building. Past 90, Manny was older and frailer than my Visit Page
Alzheimer’s Challenges Notions Of Memory And Identity
NPR: Last week, comedian, actor and activist Seth Rogen about the importance of research on Alzheimer’s disease, highlighting the emotional and financial burden the disease places on families — like his own — whose loved Visit Page
New Research from Clinical Psychological Science
Read about the latest research in Clinical Psychological Science: Impaired Decision Making in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Deficit of Cognitive Strategy Selection? Pascal Hot, Kylee T. Ramdeen, Céline Borg, Thierry Bollon, and Pascal Couturier People with Alzheimer’s Visit Page