A Spouse’s Voice Rings Loudest in a Crowded Room
ABC News: You’re at a crowded party, and two voices are competing for your attention: one from your spouse, the other from a stranger. Who are you most likely to hear? Your spouse, according to
Multitasking After 60: Video Game Boosts Focus, Mental Agility
NPR: A brain that trains can stay in the fast lane. That’s the message of a showing that playing a brain training video game for a month can rejuvenate the multitasking abilities of people in
Older Adults Gauge Their Partner’s Feelings Through Knowing, Not Seeing
Compared to younger adults, older people are less adept at reading emotion in their spouse’s face. But when their spouse isn’t present, older and younger adults are equally able to discern their significant others’ moods.
How You Tune Out Your Spouse—and Why
TIME: Spouses have always had a funny way of both hearing and not hearing each other. On the one hand, the person you married is the person with whom you conduct the most intimate business
Young versus old
BBC: A new study shows it’s more that we have bad moments than bad days. There’s some good news if you’re older. Although people, on average, do worse on memory tests as they age, it
Memory weakens but steadies with age, study finds
BBC: Older people were more consistent in memory tests, research from Germany shows – although younger people did achieve overall higher test scores. The assessments were carried out in Berlin on 100 older people