Playing football games on computers ‘makes you more aggressive’
Daily Mail: Computer games about football make players more aggressive than violent ones, psychologists claim. While participants remain ‘numb’ when they see someone being ‘killed’ on screen, apparently harmless games that mirror real life can
Dependency and Passivity-You Can Have One without the Other
Think of a dependent person and you think of someone who’s needy, high-maintenance, and passive. That’s how many psychologists and therapists think of them, too; passivity is key. But dependency is actually more complex and
Want to be a macho man? Study finds it’s not easy
The Globe and Mail: It’s an oft-spoofed scene: young men who fail to ‘score’ wailing on each other outside a nightclub. A new paper suggests that manhood is a precarious status—and when it’s threatened, men
Erfolge machen männlich
Men’s Health Germany: Männlichkeit ist offenbar kein biologisches Phänomen, sondern sie hängt von der Wahrung der Ehre und Erfolgen ab, so eine US-Studie. Männern sei es wichtig vor anderen gut da zu stehen und als
Think it’s easy to be macho? Psychologists show how ‘precarious’ manhood is
Manhood is a “precarious” status—difficult to earn and easy to lose. And when it’s threatened, men see aggression as a good way to hold onto it. These are the conclusions of a new article by
Say a little prayer to control anger
MSNBC: Furious about an unkind comment? Angry about a social snub? Say a prayer, even if you’re not religious. New research from American and Dutch scientists shows praying can help ease anger, lower aggression and