Trying Out New Identities Key to Video Games’ Appeal: Study
U.S. News & World Report: One reason why people worldwide spend 3 billion hours per week playing video games may be because the games allow them to “try on” characteristics they might like to have Visit Page
Video gamers are ‘searching for their ideal selves’
The Telegraph: Scientists at the University of Essex have found that millions of people around the world enjoy playing the latest video games, as many find it the best way to try out different characteristics Visit Page
Getting to The Heart of The Appeal of Videogames
San Francisco Chronicle: People spend 3 billion hours a week playing videogames but little is known scientifically about why they are actually fun in the first place. The vast majority of research into videogames has Visit Page
Oxytocin: Not Such a Cuddly Hormone After All
You Beauty: Feeling all warm and fuzzy? Chalk it up to oxytocin, the touchy-feely hormone that enables mothers to bond with their babies (thus the nickname the “cuddle chemical”). Oxytocin fluctuates throughout our lives—during and Visit Page
The Dark Side of Oxytocin
For a hormone, oxytocin is pretty famous. It’s the “cuddle chemical”—the hormone that helps mothers bond with their babies. Salespeople can buy oxytocin spray on the internet, to make their clients trust them. It’s known Visit Page
It’s A Duel: How Do Violent Video Games Affect Kids?
NPR: Scientists have long clashed over whether violent video games have an adverse effect on young people. Indeed, the conclusions of different groups of researchers are so contradictory they could give a tennis umpire whiplash. Visit Page