Breast-feeding mums more likely to aggressively defend their baby than bottle milk users
The Daily Mirror: Mothers who breast feed are more likely to act like “mama bears” – aggressively protecting their babies when threatened – than those who use bottles. And they have lower blood pressures than other Visit Page
The mama grizzlies: Why mothers who breast-feed are more aggressive at protecting their young than those that use the bottle
Daily Mail: Women who breast-feed are far more likely to aggressively protect their infants and themselves than women who bottle-feed their babies, claim researchers. Female grizzly bears are known for their especially aggressive behaviour when Visit Page
You Can Spot a Future Bully at Age 1, Research Shows
Huffington Post: Infants don’t really have what it takes to be bullies. They simply lack the physicality — the strength and coordination and mobility — to be aggressive. But are some of these babies already Visit Page
Back-to-school dilemma: Why do bullies bully?
Long thought to result from fragile self-esteem, bullying may instead stem from grandiose, inflated, and narcissistic self-assessment, some psychological scientists argue. Visit Page
The Bully in the Baby?
While only a minority of toddlers are habitual bullies, this aggressive tendency appears to emerge right along with the motor skills that make it possible. Visit Page
UK riots: What turns people into looters?
BBC News: There have been some extraordinary scenes in London and other cities this week, from burning buildings and running street battles, to people unashamedly walking into a shop and leaving with a flat-screen television Visit Page