Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science
Edited by C. Nathan DeWall and David G. Myers Aimed at integrating cutting-edge psychological science into the classroom, Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science offers advice and how-to guidance about teaching a particular area of Visit Page
If you give a man a gun: the evolutionary psychology of mass shootings
The Conversation: Men commit over 85% of all homicides, 91% of all same-sex homicides and 97% of all same-sex homicides in which the victim and killer aren’t related to each other. These startling statistics are Visit Page
Why do drivers hate cyclists?
CBC: On last week’s program, we had a conversation about a proposal to license cyclists in Vancouver. That unleashed a torrent of feedback – more than we’ve ever had on a single item, and much Visit Page
De Dreu Receives Hendrik Muller Prize
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences will award the €25,000 Dr. Hendrik Muller Prize for Behavioral and Social Sciences to APS Fellow Carsten De Dreu during a December 14 ceremony. De Dreu is Visit Page
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Conceptual Conditioning: Mechanisms Mediating Conditioning Effects on Pain Marieke Jepma and Tor D. Wager Although researchers know that classical conditioning can modify pain responses, the underlying mechanisms Visit Page
Warm Memories Can Dampen Hatred of Outsiders
Pacific Standard: At a time when “deport the immigrants” is an increasingly popular position, it’s clear that animosity toward perceived outsiders remains a powerful driver of political attitudes. If you step back and identify the Visit Page