Higher Status People Are Meaner Drivers
Frustrated drivers are more likely to lash out aggressively at vehicles they perceive as having a lower social status.
Job Satisfaction Tends to Increase with Age
As we get older, does our work become more satisfying? New research illuminates an intriguing conundrum: Job satisfaction tends to improve as we get older but also tends to decrease the longer we stay at
On One’s Own Time
People form a life story for themselves by weaving a temporal tapestry, taking psychological fabric from their past and threading it into their present experience and the future they hope to have. That’s essentially the
Books to Check Out: February 2016
Moral Disengagement: How People Do Harm and Live With Themselves by Albert Bandura; Worth Publishers, December 25, 2015. Minority and Cross-Cultural Aspects of Neuropsychological Assessment: Enduring and Emerging Trends, 2nd Edition edited by F. Richard
Employees Changed Their Drinking Habits After the Recession
If research on drinking in the wake of the Great Recession is any indication, financial insecurity has a strong influence on drinking habits.
How Stereotypes Can Threaten Your Driving
In 1995, Stanford University psychologists Claude Steele and Joshua Aronson completed a series of groundbreaking experiments showing that evoking negative stereotypes about a group can actually undermine the performance of people in that group —