How to Be Happy Growing Older
Next to one’s birthday, the passing of the calendar year induces us to reflect on the march of time in our life. This is not a welcome subject for many—which is perhaps why a lot of Visit Page
Feeling Young at Heart Comes With Well-Being Benefits
Podcast: Markus Wettstein of Humboldt University of Berlin joins this episode to discuss subjective age and its implications for health benefits, general well-being, and possible cross-cultural differences. Visit Page
A ‘Failure to Launch’: Why Young People Are Having Less Sex
Vivian Rhodes figured she would eventually have sex. She was raised in a Christian household in Washington state and thought sex before marriage would be the ultimate rebellion. But then college came and went — Visit Page
The Curious Personality Changes of Older Age
You’ve probably heard the saying “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” An awful phrase, I know, but it speaks to a common belief about older adulthood: that it’s a time of stagnation. A time Visit Page
Feeling Younger Than Your Age May Be Good for Your Health
Odds are the age you feel does not match up with the number of candles you blow out on your birthday cake. Middle-aged and older adults tend to feel younger than their chronological age, research shows. Many Visit Page
‘There’s a Temptation to Lump Octogenarians Together’: What You Should Know About Work and Aging-Brain Health
In the upper echelons of politics, there’s no shortage of men and women working well past the conventional retirement age. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who turns 90 next month, has said she won’t seek reelection in Visit Page