To Remember a Lecture Better, Take Notes by Hand
The Atlantic: Psych 101 was about to start, and Pam Mueller had forgotten her laptop at home. This meant more than lost Facebook time. A psychology grad student at Princeton, Mueller was one of the
Bonnes notes (Good Notes)
LeMonde: Je sortais d’une conférence cahier et stylo à la main, quand une nouvelle réconfortante s’est affichée sur l’écran de mon téléphone « intelligent ». Selon Pam Mueller et Daniel Oppenheimer, respectivement chercheurs en psychologie
Why students using laptops learn less in class even when they really are taking notes
The Washington Post: Are you one of those old-school types who insists that kids learn better when they leave the laptops at home and take lecture notes in longhand? If so, you’re right. There’s new
The Best Way To Remember Something? Take Notes By Hand
Fast Company: Headed into an important meeting? Grab a pen. Taking notes longhand will help you remember information better than typing them out, according to new research from a pair of psychologists from Princeton University
Calling for a Change in the STEM Climate
What accounts for women’s lower participation in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) compared to men? Discussion of this important topic has moved beyond the notion of gender differences in ability, and to some extent
Schreiben ist besser als Tippen (Writing is better than typing)
ORF Austria: Wer sich bei Vorträgen und Seminaren Notizen macht, sollte eher zum Kugelschreiber denn zum Laptop greifen, empfehlen US-Psychologen: Handschriftliche Aufzeichnungen sind laut einer Studie gut fürs Gedächtnis. Computer im Uni-Hörsaal sind heutzutage allgegenwärtig