James Madison University
James Madison University School of Psychology MSC 7401 Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Contact: Jane Halonen 540-568-2555 halonejx@jmu.edu Faculty Jane S. Halonen, Director Michael Stoloff, Undergraduate Director Lennis Echterling, Graduate Coordinator Steven Evans, Human Development Center Director Visit Page
Stephen F. Austin State University
Stephen F. Austin State University (SFA) is located in Nacogdoches, “the oldest town in Texas.” Established by the Texas legislature in 1921, SFA opened in 1923 and has developed into a comprehensive regional university with Visit Page
State University of New York – New Paltz
Department of Psychology JFT 314 75 South Manheim Blvd. New Paltz, NY 12561 Barbara Novick , Department Secretary (845) 257-3470; Fax: (845) 257-3474 novickb@newpaltz.edu The Psychology Department was founded in 1968. The 13 current faculty Visit Page
A New Age of Exploration
Advances in science and engineering have the potential to increase our security and economic prosperity, and improve the quality of our lives. But they also dismay many of us. In part, we are unnerved because Visit Page
Western Kentucky University
Steven J. Haggbloom, Head Department of Psychology 1 Big Red Way, Bowling Green, KY 42101 270-745-4427; steven.haggbloom@wku.edu http://edtech.tph.wku.edu/~psych/ Western Kentucky University is the largest comprehensive university in Kentucky with a combined undergraduate and graduate student Visit Page
Graduate Students from an Undergraduate Perspective
Graduate students are a strange species. They have characteristics of both undergraduates and of their faculty counterparts. They are still students, but not really: they often take student loans, they stay up late and get Visit Page