Student Events Inspire, Impress at the 2017 Convention
APS Student Caucus (APSSC) events offered students a wide array of topics, including how to apply to and survive graduate school; how to navigate the job market for both academic and nontraditional jobs; and how to get your manuscripts published in peer-reviewed journals.
Walking (Sometimes Running) a Step in Students’ Shoes
Michelle “Mikki” Hebl says many of her greatest insights on teaching have come not from colleagues, lectures, or books, but from her own students.
Claude M. Steele Named Fellow of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
APS Past Board Member Claude M. Steele was elected as the 2017 Gordon Allport Fellow of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, in recognition of his work on stereotype threat, its application to minority student academic performance, and more.
Flourishing Professors and Staff Retention
The academic environment in South Africa has recently undergone significant restructuring, leading to problems with staff morale and difficulties retaining talented academic staff. Staff retention is necessary in order for academic institutions to meet their
American Academy of Arts & Sciences Elects 9 Psychological Scientists Fellows
The American Academy of Arts & Sciences has elected APS Treasurer Roberta L. Klatzky, APS James McKeen Cattell Fellow J. Frank Yates, APS Fellow Mary C. “Molly” Potter, and several other psychological scientists as fellows
APS Among Science Organizations Disagreeing With Travel Ban
APS has joined 180 scientific organizations in raising concerns about the effect of President Trump’s planned immigration restrictions on America’s ability to attract international scientific talent.