The Unexpected Consensus Among Voting Methods
Historically, the theoretical social choice literature on voting procedures in economics and political science routinely highlights worst case scenarios, emphasizing the inexistence of a universally ‘best’ voting method. Indeed, the Impossibility Theorem of Nobel Laureate
Seeing Colors: New Study Sheds Light on Sensory System Quirk
In the psychological phenomenon known as “synesthesia,” individuals’ sensory systems are a bit more intertwined than usual. Some musicians, for example, report seeing colors when musical notes are played. One of the most common forms
My Bad! Why We Feel Guilt in the First Place
Guilt plays a vital role in the regulation of social behavior. That worried feeling in our gut often serves as the impetus for our stab at redemption. However, psychologists have trouble agreeing on the function
The End of Barroom Brawls: Study Shows Alcohol can Reduce Aggression
The link between alcohol and aggression is well known. What’s not so clear is just why drunks get belligerent. What is it about the brain-on-alcohol that makes fighting seem like a good idea? And do
“Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda…” New Study Sheds Light on How We Would Have Done Things Differently
If you’re like most people, you’ve probably experienced a shoulda-woulda-coulda moment; a time when we lament our missteps, saying that we should have invested in a certain stock, should have become a doctor instead of
Study: Discriminating Fact from Fiction in Recovered Memories of Childhood Sexual Abuse
A decade or so ago, a spate of high profile legal cases arose in which people were accused, and often convicted, on the basis of “recovered memories.” These memories, usually recollections of childhood abuse, arose